Escape to Canada
With the Loonie trading below $0.70 US, maybe this is the year to stay home and discover some of the wonderful golf that Canada has to offer.
With the Loonie trading below $0.70 US, maybe this is the year to stay home and discover some of the wonderful golf that Canada has to offer.
Martin Chuck from the Tour Striker Academy in Phoenix, Arizona has a great demonstration of how being properly connected to the ground can give you added power and distance.
A year end report card is a first step in developing a plan for improvement. Your honest assessment should be comprehensive, precise and written down.
A DIY game improvement program has lots of rabbit holes and a few set-backs but ultimately can help you better understand your problems and how to fix them.
A first time visit to the DR showed what a spectacular golf destination it is and made me wonder why I waited so long to make the trip.
The Pulpit and The Paintbrush, two of the top ranked private courses in Canada, should be on everyone’s Bucket List. With new luxurious accommodations, they offer an unparalleled experience.
The Lux G is built to own the water, sand, dirt – pretty much anything else Mother Nature throws at you – and features a mountaineering grade rubber TOUR level tread system.
Stay-and-play golf is a growing trend for lots of golfers. Wooden Sticks has accommodations to welcome large groups on a buddy trip or couples looking for a more intimate getaway.
In this segment we discuss why golfers aren’t getting better and how the mental side of golf is finally opening up and being recognized as a real issue to be dealt with.