Hit a ton more fairways using the ‘Punisher Drill’

Another great tip from Martin Chuck at Tour Striker Golf Academy:


It doesn’t really matter what your natural shot shape is off the tee…

If you want to hit more fairways, you must START the ball on your intended line (so you can allow for any curve).

And to do that, you must be able to control your clubface at impact.

Yes, even if you have a correct club PATH (which most people do)…

If you have “chaos” in your clubface, i.e, you’re rolling it open or closed…

Or if you’re “holding it off”…

Your shots are not going to start off in the right direction…

And likely miss the fairway.

This is why I always say, “the clubface is king.”

In today’s video, I’ll show you a great drill that helps you line up the clubface at impact…

So your drives take off where you want them to!

For those of you putting away those “snow plow driveway stakes” now that it’s spring, you may be able to use one of those.

If not, you’ll see I’m using the Tour Striker Toolbox which includes the right-sized rods for this drill.

Fairways Magazine

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