Our Men’s League is back for its 16th year and is based at Cardinal Redcrest in Newmarket. It’s a friendly recreational golf league with a little competition. We play every Thursday from May through October. In 2025, our start date will be May 1st and the final date for scoring will be September 25th. Then we’ll wind things up with our year-end banquet on October 2nd. Unofficial play will continue on Thursdays until the course closes.

New members are welcome.

The cost to join the League is $125 plus tax. (Early registration is available prior to Jan 17, 2025 for $99).

Each week there is a weekly competition for low net. There is also a season long competition based on cumulative weekly points. In 2025, prizes will be awarded at the banquet.

Play is from the WHITE tees except during majors when tee decks will vary.

Tee times each week are reserved for the League as follows: 1:30–2:30 and 3:20-3:40 for players playing 18 holes and 5:00–5:30 for players playing 9 holes.

Every Monday you’ll receive an email invitation asking whether or not you’re playing that week. All you have to do is click YES or NO. At the same time you can also ask for a specific tee time or specify your playing partners. We encourage players to mix it up as much as possible so that everybody gets a chance to know everyone but most weeks you can play with your regular buddies.

Tournament Schedule

June 26 – Better Ball Championship (2 man teams)
July 24 – Three Club Championship (players may only use 3 clubs)
Aug 21 – Team Scramble (3 or 4 man teams)

Once a month the League moves to Ballantrae Golf Club in Stouffville. These dates will be published in April.

2024 Green Fees: (Rates for 2025 will be posted as soon as they are released by the golf club).

18 holes – $62 walking / $80 with shared use of power cart.
9 holes – $52 walking / $66 with shared use of power cart.

To register for the League, click HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact Peter Mumford / League Administrator: peter@fairwaysgolf.ca