How to use your arms correctly to generate power

Sometimes the things you’re doing are the opposite of what you should be doing. In this video, Martin Chuck from Tour Striker demonstrates the proper use of your arms in making a powerful swing.


If you’re like most golfers…

You may be artificially “pinning” your lead arm against your chest during your backswing…

Or forcibly “tucking” your trail elbow against your body during the downswing…

And that, my friend, is robbing you of distance.

Don’t feel bad…

This is very common and I personally see it all the time at my golf schools.

Many golfers simply aren’t sure which arm “powers” the golf swing…

Or how much each arm should be contributing to the effort…

Or how to move the arms properly.

In the above video, I’ll clear all that up…

And show you how your arms should work so they’re a source of power and distance.

Fairways Magazine

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