Shake it up baby!

Martin Chuck from the Tour Striker Academy in Phoenix, Arizona has a great demonstration of how being properly connected to the ground can give you added power and distance.


Tour Striker Nation,

🎵 “Shake It Up Baby” 🎵

I promise I am not getting that song stuck in your head just for fun, there’s a real purpose behind it.

I’m sure we’ve all heard how vital it is to stay “connected to the ground”, or “work through the ground” as it relates to the golf swing and adding distance. However, I see that this is often misinterpreted, misunderstood or under appreciated. Gravity exists, after all, so we’re already connected to the ground, right?

But what if we added a visual aid to help demonstrate the importance of using our lower body and staying connected?

Pay close attention to my Tour Striker Toolbox in this video, it helps to give a great visual reference in relation to my aim, body position and set up while I demonstrate this concept.

Special thanks to Jackson Chuck, for lending me the prop used in this video.

Watch here:

💪 – Martin


Peter Mumford
Peter Mumford is the Editor and Publisher of Fairways Magazine. He's played over 500 different courses in 21 countries and met some fascinating people along the way. He's also a long-suffering Toronto Maple Leafs fan.

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